benefit of Combining cinnamon and honey /cinnamon recipes healthy

by - June 23, 2019

cinnamon and honey /cinnamon recipes healthy


people always ask :

What are the effects of cinnamon?
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why cinnamon and honey?
honey and cinnamon are they good for health?
what are the benefits cinnamon and honey?

Like honey with turmeric, honey with cinnamon is a natural remedy used in traditional medicine since ancient times, especially in Ayurvedic medicine, but also in many traditional medicines. Indeed, its incredible action results from the interaction of two products at the top of natural remedies:

Cinnamon: "insulin of the poor", princess of Ayurvedic medicine, the best hope of cure of diabetes, cholesterol and other diseases, in short, one of the best health foods that it is.
Honey: a cure for all ills in Muslim prophetic medicine, one of the best natural antibiotics, has been used to heal forever, yet science is still discovering new uses of honey to heal itself.
Of course, no cure or natural treatment will replace the informed advice of a doctor, consult it before you start a cure.
Combining cinnamon and honey is one way to increase their health benefits. Through here to discover the benefits of cinnamon on health.


Every day, eat breakfast bread spread instead of jam with honey and cinnamon powder paste. It reduces the level of cholesterol in the arteries and saves a person from a heart attack. Even those who have already had a heart attack can reduce the risk of another heart attack.

Regular consumption of honey with cinnamon improves breathing and strengthens the heart muscle. In some nursing homes in America and Canada, regular intake of a mixture of honey and cinnamon by patients markedly improved their age-related changes, veins and arteries.

lose weight

Honey with cinnamon helps to lose weight. We are talking about a teaspoon a day of course, if you put on the honeypot it will not help you! Cinnamon honey speeds up metabolism, burns body sugars, and reduces stress and anxiety with its soothing and relaxing effects.


Recent studies have shown that the sugar content in honey is more useful than harmful for maintaining strength. In elderly people, taking honey and cinnamon in equal proportions, attention concentration and mobility improves.

Dr. Milton, who conducted the study, said that taking half a tablespoon of honey daily with cinnamon in a glass of water, after morning on an empty stomach and after noon, at about 15:00, when the vital functions of the body begin to decline, increase vital functions for days


People with arthritis can take 1 cup of warm water with 2 spoons of honey and 1 small tsp daily, morning and evening. cinnamon Regular intake cures even chronic arthritis.

In recent studies led by the University of Copenhagen, it was found that when doctors prescribed a mixture of 1 tbsp to their patients. honey and 1/2 tsp cinnamon before breakfast, a week later 73 patients out of 200 completely had pain, and within a month most of the patients who could not walk or walk because of arthritis, could walk without feeling pain


2 table. spoons of honey and 3 tsp Cinnamon, mixed with 2 cups of warm water, reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood by 10% within 2 hours. As for people suffering from arthritis, taking the mixture 3 times a day normalizes cholesterol even in chronic patients. People who eat pure honey every day also complain less about cholesterol.


Daily intake of honey and cinnamon strengthens the protective functions of the body and protects against bacteria and viruses. Scientists have discovered that honey contains many different vitamins and iron. Constant intake of honey enhances the ability of white blood cells to fight bacterial and viral diseases.


Take 2 table. spoons of cinnamon and 1 teaspoon of honey, stirred in a glass of slightly warm water. It kills germs in the bladder.


With hair loss or alopecia, you can lubricate the hair roots with a paste from a mixture of heated olive oil, 1 tbsp. spoons of honey, 1 tsp of cinnamon before washing the head for 15 min. Then rinse hair with lukewarm water. Even 5 min. enough effect to be noticeable


A mixture of honey and cinnamon (in equal amounts) applied to the affected parts of the skin cures eczema, fungus and all other types of skin infections.


Pasta of 3 tbsp. spoons of honey and 1 tsp of cinnamon. Lubricate acne before bedtime and wash it off with warm water the next morning. For 2 weeks, acne will disappear completely.


A mixture of 1 part honey into 2 parts warm water with the addition of a small tsp. cinnamon slowly rub into the itchy part of the body. It is noticed that the pain decreases after 1-2 minutes.


Cinnamon powder sprinkled on 2 tbsp. Honey, taken before meals, reduces acidity and helps to digest the most heavy food.

Ulcer stomach:

Honey with cinnamon relieves stomach pain and heals ulcers.


According to studies in India and Japan, it is revealed that honey with cinnamon reduces bloating of the stomach.


a mixture of 1 tsp. cinnamon and 5 tsp honey impose on a bad tooth. You can do it 3 times a day until the pain passes.


The inhabitants of South America, first thing in the morning, rinse their throats with a hot solution of cinnamon honey to keep a pleasant smell in the mouth for the whole day.


Every day, morning and evening, take honey and cinnamon in equal proportions.


Those suffering from a cold should take 1 tbsp. warm honey with 1/4 tsp. cinnamon 3 times a day. It cures almost any chronic cough, cold and nasal passages.


A Spanish scientist has proven that honey contains a natural element that kills flu bacteria and saves a person from the disease.


Recent studies in Japan and Australia have revealed that cancer of the stomach and bones can be cured. Patients with such tumors should take daily 1 tbsp. spoon of honey with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon for a month 3 times a day.


Tea with honey and cinnamon, taken regularly, delays the onset of old age. 1 l. Cinnamon, brewed in 3 cups of water and cooled + 4 liters. honey Drink 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day. Keeps skin fresh and soft and delays aging.

How to take this remedy?

Some say that the standard dosage is one tablespoon a day, 1 teaspoon for children. It seems really a lot, I would say rather a big teaspoon for adults, 1/2 teaspoon for children.

These are two pleasant ingredients to eat if you like them, so you can eat this dose directly in the morning on an empty stomach.

For those who do not like eating it directly, you can dilute the cinnamon honey in a drink: in water, fruit juice, milk, tea, coffee, yoghurt.

To make a mouthwash, in order to have good breath, dilute a teaspoon of cinnamon and honey in a glass of water and rinse your mouth with it.

To make it a mask for the skin, mix 3 doses of honey with 1 dose of cinnamon powder, and apply this care on pimples or blackheads before sleeping. The next day, rinse thoroughly with warm water. Repeat care every day for 2 weeks, until imperfections disappear.

Do not include it in your kitchen because the heat will reduce its effect on the body.


We recommend that you always seek the advice of your doctor before starting a treatment or cure, as natural products may interact with certain medications.

Excessive consumption of cinnamon can cause side effects: increased heart rate, increased blood pressure and palpitations.

If you use Indonesian cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia), do not exceed 1/2 teaspoon per day. The coumarin present in this variety is an anticoagulant, be careful if you are on anticoagulant therapy.

Rarely, coumarin, in large quantities and on long-term consumption can cause liver damage.

Excessive consumption of honey (more than 10 tablespoons a day!) Can cause stomach cramps, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, increased blood sugar levels and low blood pressure.

This honey with cinnamon is not recommended for children under 2 years and pregnant women, not by contraindication, but as a precaution.

To go further, see our article "What to replace cinnamon in a recipe" or "How to stop smoking with cinnamon", or "How to make a cinnamon infusion?".

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