Cabbage : one of the best foods to consume to cure a stomach ulcer, detoxify the liver and stop inflammation

by - June 04, 2019

Cabbage is a low-calorie, high-viscous vegetable that promotes optimal health. Its secret lies in the healing properties that have been widely known for thousands of years. Today, the exceptional properties of this vegetable are also supported by science.

Cabbage is a powerful anti-inflammatory food that is extremely beneficial to colon and bone health. It has been scientifically proven that eating raw cabbage is an effective, completely natural remedy for stomach ulcers and many different digestive disorders.

Cabbage Health Benefits
Here are 5 main benefits of cabbage in your diet. Always use organic!

1. Treats peptic ulcer

Green juice from one cabbage, 6 celery ribs, 2 green apples, half a lemon and 2-inch. 5 cm ginger root is extremely useful for the treatment of peptic ulcer.

2. As a detoxification of the stomach and colon

Consumption of fresh raw cabbage has been proven to detoxify both the stomach and the intestines. It helps to relieve intestinal inflammation and reduce diarrhea. To take full advantage of this vegetable, drink a few glasses of cabbage juice throughout the day. This super-healthy and nutritious juice works wonders for peptic ulcers. For best results, use green cabbage.

3. Blood

Those with anemia are especially advised to drink at least one glass of raw cabbage juice daily. Cabbage is full of blood formation and chlorophyll, both of which are useful in terms of improving blood quality in people with anemia.

4. Weight Loss

The diuretic and detoxifying properties of this cruciferous vegetable make it ideal for improving regularity and promoting gradual and healthy weight loss.

5. Liver detoxification

Cabbage is one of the best vegetables to eat when it comes to cleansing the liver. For example, to overcome a hangover, drink a glass of fresh cabbage juice. Its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce the effect of dehydration and headache caused by a drunken liver.

Consumption tips

The best and fastest way to get the most benefit from cabbage is to use it in the form of juice. However, use it the way you like it, whether steamed or raw in a salad. There are three types of cabbage, and they should all be consumed equally.

Savoy cabbage is the most recommended when it comes to preventing cancer. Savoy cabbage is rich in sinigrin, glucosinolate, which received particular attention due to its preventive properties against bladder, prostate and colon cancer.

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