by - November 30, 2020

Many women suffer from the problem of excess hair appearing in different parts of the body such as legs, arms and face which can be a nightmare especially when your wedding date approaches.

The appearance of excess hair in the facial area causes feelings of embarrassment and loss of self-confidence, especially for girls who are getting married.

The main cause of excess hair growth is the hormonal disorder. The level of estrogen hormone determines the rate of hair growth.

If you have tried a number of ways to remove facial hair like creams, face wax and you have not got the desired results and the hairs grow fast again, you can discover with us some natural recipes that will help you to remove facial hair permanently.

Top Home Remedies for Removing Facial Hair

The oat mask

This mask helps to remove facial hair, soften the skin and gives it a luminous and natural clarity.


  • Half a tablespoon of oats;
  • A tablespoon of organic honey;
  • A few drops of fresh lemon juice.


1- Mix the ingredients well until they become even and apply the mask on your face for 20 minutes.
2- After 20 minutes, start by rubbing your face gently and with a circular motion, in the opposite direction of the hair.
3- Wash your skin with cold water. For best effect, this mask should be applied twice a week

Mask of turmeric and chickpea flour

Turmeric is one of the substances that reduces hair growth and has an antibacterial effect that protects skin from pimples and skin imperfections.

Ingredients needed:

  • 1 tablespoon turmeric;
  • 1 tablespoon of chickpea flour;
  • A small amount of water

Steps to prepare the mask to remove hair on the face:

1- Mix the turmeric and chickpea flour in a deep bowl;
2- Add water gradually until you have a thick paste;
3- Put the mask on your face and let it dry completely, then rub it with a damp cloth and wash your face with cold water.

If you do not have chickpea flour, you can use turmeric and water only.

To get rid of the yellow color of turmeric, you can use small wet wipes soaked in baby oil to wipe the face thoroughly.

Egg mask

The egg mask works the same way as wax, but it is less painful and prevents hair from reappearing when used.

Ingredients needed:

  •  An egg white;
  •  A teaspoon of sugar;
  • Half a tablespoon of corn flour.

Steps to prepare the egg mask to remove hair on the face:

1- Mix the ingredients until the mixture forms a soft dough;
2- Apply the mask to your face and let it dry completely, then remove it and you will notice hair removal easily and with less pain.
3- Egg whites also serve to tighten skin pores and get rid of wrinkles and deeply nourish the skin.

Gelatin mask

This mask is very effective at removing facial hair permanently, but care must be taken to be close to the eye area.


  • A tablespoon of gelatin;
  • Two tablespoons of milk;
  • A few drops of lemon juice.


1- Mix the ingredients well and place them in the microwave oven only for a few seconds until the mixture is hot;
2- Apply the mixture to your face and away from your eyes and eyebrows;
3- Let it act on the face for 20 minutes until completely dry;
4- Remove the gelatin mask from the face gently and carefully and you will notice the disappearance of blackheads and hair completely in addition to the softness that you have never felt before.

Mix of honey and lemon

This mixture requires 10 ml of lemon juice and 40 ml of honey. Mix the ingredients well until you get a homogeneous mixture, then apply it to the areas where you want to remove the hair with a wet cotton swab, not to mention rubbing in the direction of regrowth of hair. After a quarter of an hour, rinse with cold water.

Repeat the procedure twice a week during the first two weeks, then once a week and you will get excellent results.

Mix of apricot and honey

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