Rose water and lemon juice to treat acne

by - December 01, 2020


Rose water has been used since ancient times in the treatment and reduction of acne (pimples and scars), and one of the main reasons for the onset of acne is the accumulation of fat excreted by The sebaceous gland of the skin, It has been proven effective in treating scars left by acne on the skin, therefore rose water is one of the simplest and most effective treatments for getting rid of acne quickly and naturally.

The benefits of rose water for acne

* Tighten dilated pores
* It reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
* Have a smooth, clean, soft skin and an intense look
* Reduces oily secretions that cause stains and pimples
* Moisturises and nourishes the skin
* Removes makeup easily
* It removes impurities from the skin
* Get rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes

Recipe rose water and lemon juice to treat acne

A rose water recipe with lemon juice is an excellent treatment to eliminate acne and effective in getting rid of its scars.


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