Essential oil of tea tree : benefits and indications

 The tea tree (melaleuca alternifolia in Latin), or tea tree, is a tree that can measure from 2 to 30 meters high. It bears thorny green leaves and flowers in yellow and / or purple clusters. The tea tree is part of the myrtaceae family.

This tree is native to Australia, but it can also be found in MalaysiaIndonesiaNew GuineaMadagascar and New Caledonia. It grows most often in swampy areas.

The essential oil (EO) of tea tree is obtained by distillation of leaves and young twigs. Usually colorless, this EO can be as pale yellow. Its scent is particularly powerful: woody and slightly camphorated.

The main compounds of tea tree EOterpineolterpinenes1,8-cineole.

The benefits of tea tree essential oil

The essential oil (EO) of tea tree has antibacterialanti-infectiousantiviral, disinfectant properties. It strengthens the immune system, protects the skin (acnesunburn).

It is also antiparasiticantispasmodicimmunostimulantantifungal and antiseptic. It is a good decongestant venous and lymphatic.

Its main indications

- Tea tree EO has a positive effect on many skin problems (acneeczemamycosis, burning) and hair (dandruff, lice).

- It soothes wounds, varicose veinsvaricose ulcershemorrhoids.

- In mouth care: aphthagingivitis and dental abscess.

- Against the ENT infections: otitisanginainfluenza ...

- Tea tree EO is also used in case of cardiac, physical or mental fatigue.

Use of tea tree essential oil

Here are some examples of the use of tea tree essential oil massage, bath, oral and diffusion.

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