3-day cleansing diet on beetroot and kefir: cleanse the intestines and remove all excess from the body

by - May 30, 2019

Diet, or rather unloading on kafir and beetroot will appeal to those who want to get rid of everything superfluous in a short time, after detox-cleansing of the body, and those who want to “quickly” lose 1-2 kilograms.

The basic principles of diet:

1. For 3 days, diets should be forgotten about the usual foods: jelly (except kefir); cereals; meat; vegetables (except beet) and fruits; sweets and bread; alcohol and fast food;

2. For 3 days of the diet, only 3 products are allowed: beets, kefir and water;

* Kefir can take a little fat, up to 1%;

* Beets (1 kilogram per day) - can be eaten fresh or boiled;

If fresh, it is in the form of a salad without dressing, but with oil, and a minimum of salt and spices (which can hold water;

If boiled, then without any additives;

* Water to drink in unlimited quantities; but not less than 1 l per day;

In addition to beets, kefir and water, you can also drink herbal or green tea;

4. During the day there should be 4-5 main and additional meals.

5. If the beets or kefir individually start to bother, you can “diversify” the diet with a delicious cocktail that can be prepared in a blender.

Cocktail recipe for kefir and beets:

Need: kefir and beets;
Chop the beets with a blender and squeeze the juice;
The resulting juice mixed with kefir and beat again;

The main advantages of kefir-beet unloading:

1. For 3 days the intestines and the digestive tract are cleaned;

2. Beet has a mild laxative effect and is indicated for those who have problems with the stool;

3. Due to the purification and elimination of all the excess from the body, there is a slimming effect, which will be noticeable after the diet.

4. Kefir is also known for its beneficial qualities.

Mainly: affects the bowels; improves the intestinal microflora; contains enough protein and a minimum of carbohydrates;

5. Beetroot is a root vegetable that is rich in vitamins, mineral components and is useful for those who have problems with blood vessels and blood formation.

Due to the content of fiber, it positively affects the work of the intestine, “sweeping out” slags that are “accumulating” in it.

Thanks to the 3-day unloading on kefir and beets, those extra pounds are gone, the digestive system is cleaned and well-being is improved.

Before dieting it is MANDATORY to familiarize yourself with the contraindications and weigh all the pros and cons.

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