9 incredible reasons why you should eat a couple of celery stalks every evening!

by - May 30, 2019

Celery is an incredibly useful vegetable that can provide an endless list of health benefits. Here are the benefits for your body:

1. Helps digestion

Some people describe celery as “crisp water”, and it is certainly good for digestion. Celery - a rich source of water, which, in combination with insoluble fibers, regulates the chair.

Tip: In the case of diarrhea, avoid eating celery, as it has potent diuretic and cleansing properties.

2. Relieves inflammation.

Its consumption will relieve you from acne, asthma, pain in the joints, as well as lung infections. It regulates alkaline balance.

3. Reduces blood pressure

Celery contains active compounds known as phthalides, which improve the function of the circulatory system, while eating raw celery reduces high blood pressure.

4. Reduces bad cholesterol

Celery contains an ingredient known as butylphthalide, which provides its flavor and taste. This ingredient reduces bad cholesterol.

5. Maintains eye health

A large celery stalk has up to 10% of the daily requirement for vitamin A, which protects the eyes and protects against age-related degenerative changes.

6. Promotes weight loss

A large celery stalk contains only 10 calories, so freely add it to salads and soups.

7. Reduces stress

Celery soothes the nervous system due to large quantities of minerals, especially magnesium, as well as essential oils. Thus, it reduces stress, and if it is in the evening, it will help you fall asleep easily.

8. Celery can fight cancer

The University of Illinois conducted two studies that found that celery contains a powerful flavonoid, luteolin, which inhibits the growth of cancer cells, especially in the case of pancreatic cancer.

Another study showed that regular celery consumption can significantly delay the formation of breast cancer cells.

9. Can improve your sex life.
Celery contains two pheromones - androstenone, which are released when chewing celery, and also increase levels of arousal.


Always choose vertical celery stalks that snap when bent with fresh, crisp leaves.

Celery is best to soar - so it retains its flavor and even 99% of its nutrients.
Freshly cut celery retains its nutrients much better than if you chop it and keep it for even a few hours.
The darker the color of celery, the stronger the flavor.

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