by - November 30, 2020


They are all different sizes, colors and shapes. Seeds are the germs of plants with an initial supply of nutrients. Plants spend a lot of time and resources growing each seed and fill them with high concentrations of vitamins, minerals, proteins, essential oils and temporarily inactive enzymes. If you expect to eat something useful, satisfying and highly nutritious - the seeds are beyond competition. Below is a list of the most useful seeds and how to use them.

The seed is life. Living food. Raw seeds are very nutritious. Most of the calories a person receives is from edible seeds or grains, for example, from legumes or nuts. Seeds are a source of vegetable oils, beverages, seasonings and useful food additives. Depending on the type of seed, either the germinal part or the endosperm (storage tissue) will be richest in nutrients. Proteins stored in the germinal tissue and in the endosperm differ in their set of amino acids and in their properties.

The only way to get the most out of seeds is to eat them raw. Heat treatment leads to the formation of toxins, while vitamins, minerals and essential oils denature. Roasted seeds are no longer a living meal. No seeds in the world can withstand heat and frying, retaining their nutritional properties. It is always necessary to remember that you need to eat seeds in their natural state - cheese. They can be soaked, ground and crushed, especially if the seed coat is too hard for the teeth.
You should choose raw and unsalted seeds.
It is necessary to avoid fried and glazed seeds.
No need to eat them candied.


The recommended single serving is half a glass.

Pomegranate seeds are rich in antioxidants. These substances protect the body's cells from free radicals and prevent premature aging. In other words, pomegranate juice "pumps" blood with oxygen. Antioxidants not only fight free radicals, but also prevent blood clots. It improves blood flow and enriches blood with oxygen.

Pomegranate grains are particularly rich in polyphenols. It is a type of antioxidant that reduces the risk of cancer and heart disease. Pomegranate juice because of the beneficial tannins, anthocyanins and ellagic acid contained in it has a much stronger antioxidant effect than green tea and red wine. Bones of pomegranate grains, covered with a juicy shell, are edible. Grains are rich in vitamin C and potassium, they are low in calories (only 80 kcal per procution, which is a third lower than most fruits) and rich in fiber.

The antioxidant properties of pomegranate seeds help prevent the oxidation of low-density lipoproteins. This prevents constriction of the vascular walls with fatty deposits and maintains blood saturation with antioxidants.

Research doctor Claudio Napoli from the Neapolitan Medical Institute says: "In mice that were fed with pomegranate juice, atherosclerosis progressed at least 30 percent slower."

Pomegranate is also useful for the skeletal system - it reduces the manifestations of arthritis in the affected cartilage tissues. This fruit reduces the intensity of inflammation and prevents the destruction of cartilage enzymes.


Recommended single serving: 1-2 tablespoons (in a crushed form).

Dietary fiber flax reduces blood lipids and regulates appetite. According to scientists from the University of Copenhagen, flax seeds reduce hunger and help combat excess weight.

Lyon has been cultivated for centuries, and its benefits are generally known. Hippocrates described the use of flax to relieve abdominal pain, and the French Emperor Charles I the Great loved so much flaxseed that he issued a special decree on their universal use.

The beneficial properties of flaxseeds consist of their saturation with linolenic acid, a high content of dietary fiber and an abundance of lignans (vegetable phenolic compounds - antioxidants).

Essential linolenic acid is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. It reduces the production of inflammatory agents and reduces the blood levels of C-reactive protein, an indicator of inflammation. The combined action of linolenic acid and lignans inhibits the growth of tumors in animals and may reduce the risk of developing cancer in humans.
Lignans are phytoestrogens and have properties similar to estrogen (female sex hormone; ca.). They have antioxidant properties. Phytoestrogens help stabilize hormone levels, alleviate the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and menopause, and can help prevent the development of breast and prostate cancer.

Dietary fiber flax supports the normal function of the intestine. One tablespoon of whole flaxseeds contains as much fiber as half a cup of oat bran. Soluble fiber fibers reduce cholesterol in the blood and reduce the risk of developing heart attacks and strokes.

Ground flaxseed is healthier than whole. Seeds can be ground in a coffee grinder or blender and added to cereals, pastries and fruit smoothies.


Recommended single serving: half a cup

These are the only seeds that form alkaline blood counts. This is important, given that most modern diets form an acidic environment.

Pumpkin seeds are rich in proteins. One hundred grams of these seeds provide 54 percent of the daily value of proteins.

Many people take vitamins to compensate for the deficiency of the B vitamins. Pumpkin seeds in this can successfully replace synthetic drugs. These seeds contain all the B vitamins - thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (nicotinic acid), pantothenic acid, pyridoxine (B6), and salts of folic acid.

People in a bad mood pumpkin seeds will help to cope with depression. Ingredient L-tryptophan helps to elevate mood.

Regular consumption of pumpkin seeds can prevent the formation of kidney stones. Judging by the results of research, pumpkin seeds prevent the formation of kidney stones from calcium oxolate.

Another advantage of these seeds is that they excrete parasites from the body, especially tapeworms.

Apricot kernels 

Recommended single portion: a quarter cup.

Apricot kernels are no less nutritious than various nuts and seeds. Among other components, the core contains amygdalin, its other name is vitamin B17. This substance attacks cancer cells and can prevent the spread of a tumor. Amygdalin can be found in hundreds of different products, but they are not present in the diet with a predominance of convenience foods and fast food. People with a more balanced and traditional (national cuisine) diet are less at risk of developing cancer, including because of foods high in vitamin B17 (amygdalin).

In addition to apricot kernels, amygdalin is found in bitter almonds. It is amygdalin that gives it a bitter taste. Therefore, if the apricot kernel does not have a bitter taste, then there is no vitamin B17 in it. Amygdalin is found in apple and grape seed, in millet, garden beans, in various berries, cassava and many other seeds, grains, cereals and legumes. The exception is hybrid varieties.

Speaking about the prevention of diseases, you should pay attention to the words of the doctor Ernst Krebs-junior, the inventor of the drug "Laetril" (concentrated amygdalin). According to him, a person who uses from ten to twelve apricot kernels every day will almost certainly not get cancer, even if irradiated close to the background in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant area.


The most useful seeds and grains

Recommended single portion: a quarter cup.

Sesame seeds - one of the oldest known to mankind seasonings. They are valued for their oil content, which is very well stored.

Sesame is valuable as a good source of manganese and copper. It is rich in calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. In sesame seeds a lot of vitamin B1, zinc and dietary fiber. In addition to the above, sesame contains two unique substances, sesamin and sesamolin. Both belong to the lignans. These substances lower blood cholesterol in humans. In animals, they prevent an increase in blood pressure and increase the saturation of tissues with vitamin E. Sesamin protects damage to liver cells with antioxidants.


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